Okay, so the whole idea of this blog is to share ideas and thoughts, resources and training, help and support about working with kids with special needs in the church realm. I have a dream that this blog is going to end up having all kinds of things on it - resources, links, interactive videos, training modules, online "fireside" chats, etc. But, I realized the other day that if I keep dreaming that big and waiting for the time and energy and things to come to me, it will never get there. The dream remains. The steps are just going to be smaller.
So, with that thought in mind I got up this morning and thought, "Just do what you can today." I sat down and wrote this blog post. Maybe I'll get to more this afternoon, but for now, one blog post will have to do.
Last week I was working with a child. He was completely frenzied. Things at home were hard. He wasn't feeling so hot. Everyone who worked with him and for him had this busy, overwhelming energy about them as they were anxious for his improvement and success that day. But as I walked up to him, I felt this energy - this hoping for the future - so strong that I could feel it squelching the abilities for the present. So, I walked with the child. We just walked and talked (in our silly little song style) for a minute. We relaxed with each other. We touched base spiritually and emotionally and we both began to calm in the fact that the future didn't matter if the present wasn't working.
After a good fifteen minutes of walking in the present and finding the joy in each other, we both intuitively knew that the hard thing everyone was pushing to happen (the bathroom!!!) still needed to happen. So, with courage, both of faced what was scary and walked in. The energy came back - the fear of the future. So, we sat in the bathroom and sang songs. We did finger plays. We made silly faces in the mirror. And when the calm had returned and the peace of the moment was back, we found a compromise. He could hold my watch while he got changed. Although the moment was still hard, and the dream of him going in without fear and changing himself and smiling the whole way was still a long ways off, he did find success. And for today, as small as that step seems, it was enough.
Dreams are important. Big, crazy, huge dreams that make you feel like you can change the world. Those are important, because one day they WILL happen. Especially with God by our side. But, today, just today, take the most sufficient step. Some days that is small and takes over thirty minutes when it should take two. Some days it is bigger. But each day it is a success. Do what can be done today and the dreams of tomorrow will fall into place.
Hugs to you for all you do. :)